18 August 2015


The amazingly-versatile, safe and powerful medium-duty FVR285 has been put into service by Linfox Malaysia to support its long-haul deliveries to Giant and their related outlets.

The company purchased four units of FVR285 and four units of NQR75 to join its earlier fleet of five FVR240s acquired in 2013. The repeat purchase by Linfox stands as testimony to the FORWARD line’s capabilities in keeping to its tight delivery schedules, low running costs and safe deliveries.

According to a spokesman from Linfox, the good experience with Isuzu trucks is important in the decision to add new trucks to its existing fleet.

“We do refresh our fleet from time to time. As a priority, we look into quality equipment that is safe but we look into areas such as state-of-the-art technology and products that will give economies to us and to our customers. But ultimately, it has to be safe for us and our drivers as well,” said Country Manager, Linfox Transportation Sdn Bhd Saj Iqbal.

The trucks were officially handed over by CEO Kenji Matsuoka who presented a mock key to CEO of Linfox Asia Ms Gabrielle Costigan.

At the ceremony, Matsuoka thanked Linfox for choosing Isuzu trucks to support their business and pledged to continue providing quality products and service to ensure their fleet remains efficient and dependable.

“If there is one word that sums up Isuzu products, it is dependability. Our customers are always at the forefront of our business and we will continue to ensure our Isuzu trucks get the job done every time,” said Matsuoka.
